i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2023 4:31:59 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]THE WILDS: ULTRA DEEP SEA




Lusamine's Encounter Theme - Pokemon Sun & Moon

CONTRARY TO ITS NAME, THE MAJORITY OF THE ULTRA DEEP SEA IS A VAST CAVE-LIKE WORLD. Shafts of light from an unknown source barely penetrate the dark, causing colorful diamond-like rocks to glisten against humid walls. The dim lighting makes the place seem like you're thousands of leagues under the sea... Eerily, an unceasing pulse can be heard like a heart beat that rumbles throughout the realm.[break][break]

Oddly enough, one is able to "swim" through this realm like Water-type Pokemon floating in air.[break][break]

One may stumble upon deep, cold pools of dark water and alien seaweed as they scout out the realm. Segments of this place open up into an astral sea, where islands of mysterious stone are suspended mid-air.



  • 03 use a pokemon to light your path.
  • 07 escape corrupted sharpedo and veluza attempting to hunt you down.
  • 11 involve a dhelmise or jellicent in some way.
  • 16 search for suitable locations to set up camp/base.
  • 🗺️ utilize mega evolution in an advantageous way.
  • 🗺️ 's expertise in biology and ecology must be pivotal in some way.
  • 🗺️ 's desire to uphold her mother's legacy must be explored in some way.
  • 🗺️ 's desire for vengeance and the memories of losing his past hoennian life to team rocket must be explored in some way.
  • 🗺️ 's experience in the ultra deep sea must provide him with more reflection or answers about whether he wants to be a gym leader, teacher, or rehabilitator of pokemon.


AT THE END OF EACH EXPEDITION THREAD, all characters must ROLL for their final post. The HIGHEST FOUR ROLLS will be counted for what TREASURES are retrieved from the location. These treasures will be returned to each faction for future use...


[attr="class","boxName"]YOUR HAUL


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PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES. A more comprehensive list of rules will be published in each event thread. These rules are also subject to change.[break][break][break]

  • Your character can only be in ONE EXPEDITION THREAD at a time.
  • You may participate with all of your characters; however, be aware of your ability to post.
  • If a thread partner has not posted in awhile, please skip them in this event. Momentum is important for engagement.
  • Since these threads may feature combat, please be reasonable with your battling. Discuss with your group if you'd like one move per post, how many Pokemon are allowed to be brought, etc.
  • Try to keep posts short for clarity and speed.
  • Please be trusting and open to communicating with all of your thread partners.
  • Please INCLUDE WHICH PROMPTS you are using in your expedition thread.
  • Please have at least FIVE POSTS PER CHARACTER in your expedition thread.


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June 02
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2023 14:58:06 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

An expedition into the Ultra Deep Sea had been put in place. Altagracia had to admit that this was exciting. To go where nobody had gone before, explore what nobody had seen before. The scientist in her was almost uncontrollable with glee.

Unfortunately for them the world wasn’t much to look at or perhaps they had merely found themselves somewhere very unfortunate as the portal had sent them into what seemed to be a cave system of sorts.

There was barely any light to be seen save for the smidgen of bioluminescent moss growth that allowed Altagracia to barely see the outlines of the people that had accompanied her. Honestly the group had surprised her, only one of them even seemed appropriate for their little excursion, but who was she to question The League’s decision to allow civilians into these sort of things.

“Alright everyone, listen up.” hints of a paldean accent in her voice, as she summoned authority into her voice. “Remember why we are here. We are to explore the place and find somewhere safe to build a base camp.”

Eyes strained to gaze at the three others. “And just a small reminder. We don’t know what lives here, so don’t touch anything unnecessarily and definitely don’t eat or drink anything before making sure it’s safe.”

A small reminder, to those who hadn’t visited foreign places before.

“As you might’ve noticed visibility in this area is rather low, so if you have a Pokémon or a flashlight, now might be a good time to find it.” Altagracia was quick to look for the latter in her case.

OOC: Worked under the assumption they'd introduce each other before walking into the strange portal.

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2023 1:55:21 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
There was a bit of commotion whenever Aaron applied to be a part of this expedition. Even when he showed his three gym badges and challenged their top trainers, he still had to convince those in charge that he can handle himself. When he finally did after snapping at them, he was introduced to this teammates. One of which was a former gym leader. He had a question to ask that one eventually. But at least he got on. The five foot four blonde had on cargo jeans with a black belt, purple steel toed shoes, yellow tank top with a red long sleeved shirt over it, a headlight, LED lantern, and a bright baby blue backpack. With little light, he wanted to be visible with the tiniest amount of it.

This was going to be really interesting. He'd been to Granite Cave twice before, but this was something else entirely. Excited as he was, one would never be able to tell about the amber eyed teenager. His face in a constant, neutral look of stoicness. Alta started in with her Paldean accent...maybe? He'd heard it on TV shows and such, but never in person. He was reminded why he brought snacks and drinks. And the main reason he brought Banette instead of Trevanent along. Taking out a Pokeball, he brought out said ghosty ghost. Who turned to face her trainer. "When we go diving deeper, we'll need you to use Flash. Just like we practiced before, watch your intensity. We don't want to spook something we don't want to." Strong as he was, there was always something stronger.

Team: Banette, Dhelmise, Jellicent, Scizor, Aggron, Magnezone

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June 17
Blackthorn City, Johto
gym leader
gym leader
53 height
53 height
This soul of mine breaks over and over ...
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alec foster DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alec
alec foster
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2023 20:49:48 GMT
alec foster Avatar
Alec and his team had already made their introductions prior to entering the portal near Granite Cave. Luckily, he didn’t give too much information about himself. He only gave what was necessary to his team as a means to gain their trust and respect. When seeing Aaron and Elise, Alec was worried that the two of them wouldn’t be cut out for the job, but if they were chosen, then perhaps the League felt that they were ready for this sort of expedition into the unknown. Hell, Alec even had doubts that he wouldn’t be cut out for the job, despite the pokemon he brought being powerful.

As they walked through the Portal, Alec made a mental note to do everything in his power to make sure that everyone with him would be safe from harm. He was no stranger to putting his life on the line to protect something. The deep scar on his left shoulder was a testament to that. “Understood,” Was all he needed to say to Altagracia. From the looks of it, she was a scientist - perhaps a professor. As for her accent, it was definitely native to the Paldean Region.

Alec reached outward with his hand once from in front of him, from behind him, and from his sides, trying to determine whether or not there was enough space for him to bring out a pokemon. Once he had confirmed that there was enough room for his team and pokemon for him to call out, he tossed a Pokeball, believing that there would be enough room for his Sceptile, Nat to come out, while also pulling out a flashlight that he kept in his bag. Once the light flashed in front of him, revealing Nat's leafy body, he was relieved to know that its tail wasn’t taking up too much space. Plus, with how dark it was, he couldn’t see a damn thing beforehand.

“It would have been wishful thinking that we’d be able to find a place to make a camp right away,” Alec muttered loudly enough for his team to hear, not necessarily complaining, but not all too thrilled about where the portal took them either. As Alec continued talking with his team, Nat the sceptile scanned the area, using DETECT. Even though his master couldn’t see in this darkness, Nat was; deciding to try and spot any threats in the area, however, they seemed to be safe … at least for the time being anyway.

Notes: Alec brings out Sceptile and turns on his flashlight. Sceptile also uses Detect to try and spot any sort of threat, yet finds none at the moment.
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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2023 7:49:10 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

There was an amount of excitement on going on an expedition and especially since this was the royal's first. Meeting with the others and being able to make her own introduction to the other teammates along with her team being somewhat of stronger powerhouses, Walking through the Portal along with the rest of the group, the blonde woman that had taken up the position of being leader began to give the others their orders of what they should do. "I understand." She gave a little nod to the Paldean woman in a lab coat before hearing a male voice command his Pokemon to use the move, Flash to light up their way.[break][break]

Pressing the button on her Umbreon's Pokeball, Tsukiyomi was released outside as his rings around his body glowed bright yellow. The light that came from the orange haired man's flashlight thankfully would be easier to navigate through the dark for the group. "Then I presume the task of finding somewhere to set up a camp should fall to me. I will help see to that." The woman spoke calmly since she did need to think of somewhere safe to set up a base somewhere for their expedition.

, , [break][break]


- None.



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June 02
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
66 posts
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2023 18:25:13 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

“It would indeed have been wishful thinking.” Altagracia acknowledged as she retrieved a flashlight of her own. Turning it on, on the gentlest of its settings.

“I have no objections to that.” Altagracia spoke, as made her presumptions known.

Things seemed to go alright for now. Everyone got along. Nothing out of the usual.

But as they made their way into the cave system something began to bother Altagracia. The only living creatures they seemed to spot were the occasional bouts of bioluminescent moss growing on humid rocks.

Not a single cave dwelling creature to skitter away at their light. This was the first unsettling thing.

The second thing, and this was perhaps something she’d notice only as they got further away from the portal, but it seemed they and by default the objects they carried weighed less, almost floated in the air like certain water Pokémon were capable off.

The third worrying thing was a faint thumping like that of a beating heart. Constant in her ear. Perhaps these three things were unrelated, but perhaps they were a sign of something bigger?

Whatever they may be, the group would come across a passageway that split. The light of the Flash using Banette fighting valiantly to light both passageways at once, but failed. Altagracia moved closer, examining both closely.

Even in the dim light, she could see signs of a struggle. Unnaturally broken rock, and something else. A glint a bit further in caught her attention. She carefully moved closer, bending down while she put on a glove, before grabbing the small sharp fang.

She moved back to the group as she studied the fang. “Well, that’s something I didn’t expect to see here. This is definitely a Sharpedo tooth.”

Little did she know that the very thing whose tooth she held was about to jump them.

OOC: Prompts fulfilled: 16

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2023 20:17:04 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
As they moved, Aaron stayed silent. But had noticed two things that made his instincts rise and make him tense. The first was the lack of anything besides them and moss around. That was unusual. Even in Granite cave, you always find something scurrying away from even gentle light. He kept a small grip on a pokeball, ready to use it. Banette may be out already, but her role would be Flash at the moment. Going into battle would not be viable for her. The second thing he noticed was a beating sound...almost like a heartbeat. At first, he mistook it as his own, but it took a lot for his own heart to start beating like that. "Something's not right here...there should be some wild life here, even if scurrying just at the edge of our light..." Even with his headlight on and lantern.

They continued on until they reached a crossroads, Banette trying to keep both paths illuminated at least a little bit. Altawhatever moved more into one tunnel, soon coming back after finding something. What little he saw...there was a fight. She showed them a Sharpedo tooth. The hairs at the back of his neck rose as the blonde's amber eyes widened. He would attempt to kick the professor's leg and push her to avoid her from getting eaten by a Sharpedo darting right past them at high speeds. Something about it didn't seem right. Same with the way that he kind of floated away from the professor. Taking out a Pokeball, he released his giant Dhelmise. "Sharpedo that way. Power Whip. It's coming back fast." The large anchor ghosty slipped past the group, vines up and glowing, at the ready. And when it did, Dhelmise slammed its glowing vines into it like a hammer, almost pummeling it straight through the cavern wall with a single strike. It didn't move, though there was definitely a huge indent in the creature where Aaron's Pokemon hit it. "There's our wildlife. But something seemed off. Even Kee's Sharpedo don't move that fast. Also...can someone help me down? What's up with this environment?" Monotone, but even the last comments have some emotion into them as the boy struggled to get back on his feet. Finding out that you could literally swim down. So strange...but also kind of cool in a way.

Prompt 3 already fulfilled

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June 17
Blackthorn City, Johto
gym leader
gym leader
53 height
53 height
This soul of mine breaks over and over ...
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alec foster DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alec
alec foster
POSTED ON Feb 6, 2023 15:40:21 GMT
alec foster Avatar
"No, wait-" Alec had tried to stop Aaron, however, it was too late. The Dhelmise's POWER WHIP Had landed a rather concussive blow, as well as making a decently-sized indent on the Sharpedo's skin. Attacking the Sharpedo wasn't necessarily the problem though. As soon as Altagracia picked up the tooth and showed them, he knew immediately where they were. This area was more than likely their feeding ground, which meant that their nest was relatively close by. A good five minutes after the audible thud from the Dhelmise's attack sounded, a school of Sharpedo, as well as another pokemon with silverish skin and purplish fins amassed together, coming from back the way they came.

Alec quickly helped Aaron back down to the ground and said, "Run!" Alec shouted, running into one of the passageways, and deciding to take his chances. Hopefully, the other three would follow suit right behind him. Alec's feet, as well as the hoard of Sharpedo and the other pokemon that Alec didn't recognize. Nat the Sceptile followed behind Alec and the others, and by the time that they had reached over halfway, Nat immediately turned around, slamming its two hands onto the ground, forming a massive FRENZY PLANT Blockade. The Massive Vines that quickly sprouted out from the ground, stretched up toward the Ceiling, while also extending into a total of four additional layers, crushing some of the sharpedo and veluza to death, while halting the remaining fish that was after them.

-Alec attempted to try and stop Aaron and his Dhelmise, but failed.
-The School of Sharpedo & Veluza comes out of hiding, forcing Alec and the others to flee.
-Nat uses Frenzy Plant to block off the path from the school of Sharpedo and Veluza.

Notes: Prompt 7 Complete
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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,934 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2023 19:17:54 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Following after the group into the crossroads, the sight of a school of fish Pokemon coming towards them with their jaws open didn't appear to be a good idea to go this way. The orange-haired trainer would tell the others of the group to run away from the school of Sharpedo and Veluza, so Elise would run along with the man to one of the passageways and hope that the others would follow too. Tsukiyomi would run alongside her as the dark type looked behind to see the Frenzy Plant barrier blocking the school from reaching them.[break][break]

From the passageway that she would be following Alec inside, the distance of the next area would show that there was a wide open space of a spacious clearing in the cave, good for setting up a base to operate from and probably safer from the threats of the school of aggressive fish Pokemon. "That clearing in the distance could be a perfect base for all four of us, assuming that we won't run into that school again." She spoke with a nod over to the clearing that would sound like a safe place to set up a camp.

, , [break][break]


- Prompt 16 done



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[newclass=".elisetest3 .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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played by


June 02
30 height
30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
66 posts
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2023 20:20:21 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar
She had been far too surprised with the Sharpedo-tooth to notice the oncoming attacker. Luckily Aaron pushed her out of the way, saving her from certain death.

But as Altagracia regained her bearings, dread set in. If there was one, then there would surely be more. It seemed Alec knew as well. As he ushered them into the next path. As they ran and before Alec would block their path, she spotted the Sharpedo’s and their fellow hunters Veluza. Which was odd given the two hunters shared similar prey and therefore didn’t often share territories willingly.

With their pathway back blocked the group could only move forward. And they did so until they stumbled upon a large spacious clearing.

Elise was quick to point out the use it might serve.

Altagracia gave her a nod and said. “It could.” However, as the clearing came into view and the light revealed more of it, something became obvious.

This place was already being used by something. “Be on the lookout, this place has already been claimed. We might have to fight whatever it might be.”

But for now, she could not see its resident. And so she began to study the place. Walking about, looking for tracks, but saw none. What she did find was rocks gently bundled together as some form of bedding. Presumably to lay eggs on? Besides the bedding lay the skeletal remains of a couple of Sharpedo.

So, whatever lives or lived here includes Sharpedo in their diets.

“Hmmmm. Seems like we might be in the clear for now.” Altagracia pointed her flash light at the bedding of rocks and the clean-picked bones of Sharpedo. A quick onceover of the rest of the place revealed the same bedding and clean picked bones at various places around the clearing.

“While I can’t be certain. I think this might be the breeding grounds for some native species, but it doesn’t seem like they have been around for a while. Still, let us all be cautious.”

Altagracia spoke matter-of-factly, eyes gazing toward each member of their merry band.

PROMPT CLEARED: PERSONAL PROMPT: "ALTAGRACIA CONTRERAS's expertise in biology and ecology must be pivotal in some way.

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played by


July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
447 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Feb 15, 2023 16:08:24 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
The gym leader tried to stop him, but was too late. Not that Aaron would understand why. It attacked them. Time to face the consequences. Soon, a school of them, plus Veluza?, came after them. After they ran a while, Alec blocked off the passage. Something nagged about Veluza, besides the fact that they're delicious. Best be safe than sorry. Taking out another Pokeball, he took out a Jellicent. "Dhelmise, use Whirlpool. Jellicent, Ice Beam the whirlpool. Let's get a second layer of defense up. I don't think they're going to quit that easily." It didn't take long for the passage to be sealed up by a second line of obstacles. Hopefully the fish would give up upon seeing the second layer. Returning both Dhelmise and Jellicent, he walked with the rest.

The wide open space would make for a good campsite. Until the good doctor noticed something. Frowning, Aaron spoke up. "Did we just seal our only way out if their natural predator is still around?" Sharpedo were alpha predators already, with so few able to match them in the open waters. Taking out both his Dhelmise and Jellicent again, he wanted a good guard up. Even with the former gym leader's grass type already out. Even if they haven't been back in a while, that can change at any time. And with their luck, it'll be when they were there. The little blonde still offered some prayers to the dead Sharpedo though.

"Dhelmise, Jellicent, here's some snacks. Then go on patrol." Taking out some pokesnacks, he gave both his ghosts something to chew out. Both of them happily obliged, seeing that they were their favorites. Aaron also gave some to Banette for being such a champ in giving them some additional light. Sitting down cross-legged, he sifted through his backpack for human snacks, and took them out for the team to eat if they were hungry. He was content with some water at the moment...

Prompt 11 fulfilled

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June 17
Blackthorn City, Johto
gym leader
gym leader
53 height
53 height
This soul of mine breaks over and over ...
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alec foster DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alec
alec foster
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2023 4:14:24 GMT
alec foster Avatar
As Alec made his way to the clearing with the others, Alec also realized that a good portion of his shirt had been ripped, revealing the nasty scar on his shoulder. He was also bleeding just a little. How in the hell did that happen? He thought to himself. "Shit," Alec said loudly, having no choice but to face away, taking off the top of his shihakusho, taking yet another top out of his duffel bag along with some medical tape. Since the front of the top didn't fully cover the chest, he was able to work on tending to his reopened scar. He didn't like the thought of showing others his scar, mainly because of how people tended to react to it, but also because they'd ask how he got it.

He debated as to whether or not to talk to the others about it, since they would more than likely ask about it. He mentally sighed, deciding to come clean. "I'm sure you're wondering how got this nasty-looking scar on my shoulder," Alec had said to the others, more than likely already noticing what Alec was doing. "You could thank Team Rocket for this beauty mark," he joked, wincing as he applied the medical tape, gently yet firmly placing it over top with a piece of gauze.

"I should also tell you guys that, I didn't necessarily come on this expedition for the noblest of causes. In fact, I actually was hoping to find something that could help me fight against Rocket ..." Alec paused, having a serious expression on his face. "Sure, I respect the League, but I'm not here because someone asked me to. I came here for my own personal reasons." Alec said, standing back up on his own two feet after he patched himself back up. "The younger me - the person who used to be a Gym Leader, would have been here on orders ... but that young man died over a year ago ..." That's when Alec specifically looked over at Aaron, deciding to take the moment give him his own attention.

"Aaron, you said you were thinking about becoming a Gym Leader, right? Well, that's nice and you should go for it. However, I'm not gonna sit here and sugarcoat things for you in terms of what the job asks for. It's not just about giving people your Gym Badge. You'll have some hard choices that you will have to make - choices that may cause a conflict in you internally. You can't necessarily prepare yourself for them, but regardless, you will have to make a choice in the heat of the moment, and not what's simply best for you, but for Hoenn as a whole." Alec had said, finishing his piece while letting Aaron think for himself as to whether becoming a Gym Leader was still something he himself wanted to be.

- Alec realizes he's bleeding, seeing his scar opened back up somehow.
- Alec confides in the others about why he's actually here, as well as briefly talking about his past.
- Alec also talks to Aaron briefly about what it means to be a Gym Leader.

Notes: 🗺️ ALEC FOSTER's desire for vengeance and the memories of losing his past hoennian life to team rocket must be explored in some way. Prompt Complete!
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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2023 7:38:27 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Once the group had made their way to the clearing, she heard the woman in the lab coat say that this might be the breeding grounds for the native speices living there while there would be no sign of any residents that could cause trouble for them. There was the orange-haired man's apparent past being told of his reasons for coming here as she would listen attentively to what he said though everyone did appear to have their reasons for coming to this expedition. [break][break]

"It sounds like you've been through so much, Alec." The woman replied after Alec finished talking about his past before she had to share something of a personal desire to the group. "My mother was able to make everyone smile through dance and I've always watched all of the Kimono Girls in the theater when I was younger, she would take me to see the woman that followed in her footsteps. I wanted to be like her when I grew up, but my father wanted something different where he was tuttoring me on the things he learned about being a prince of Galar."[break][break]

He did try to reach her a couple of times in some effort to know how she was doing and if she had met with her older cousin being the crown prince to the royal throne with the woman continuing. "Still...as a princess who is third in line to the throne, I desire to bring happiness and smiles like my mother did through her skills in dance and charm."

, , [break][break]


- ELISE KUROKAWA's desire to uphold her mother's legacy must be explored in some way prompt is done too.



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June 02
30 height
30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2023 8:54:10 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

“Perhaps.” Altagracia acknowledged Aaron’s words. Her mind races to try and figure out just what sort of predator would share a territory with Sharpedo and Veluza.

But her pondering was disturbed by Alec who seemed to be in the mood for story sharing. His was not the first scar she had seen nor was his story of Team Rocket the first she had heard. Luckily Paldea had been mostly untouched by its filth, but that did not mean she was blind to their corrupted touch.

“Noble course or not. You are here, and that is what matters.” Altagracia stated matter of factly as her gaze stayed on for a short moment before turning it to the rest of the group. It seemed they were starting to open up to each other.

But unfortunately they would be given little time to converse as the rumbling sound of digging could be heard from their escape route.

The wall they had built was slowly being chipped away at by their assailants. Sharpedo fangs were known to chomp through steel, so what good were vines and rocks in defense against that.

Altagracia noticed the sound and quickly alerted everyone else. “Everyone get ready, I think we might have company soon.” And as she said that, the sound of rubble rolling away escaped the tunnel followed quickly by the angry growls of the charging enemies.

Altagracia summoned her Tyrantrum just in the nick of time as the first of the horde escaped the darkness of the tunnel. Tyrantrum was quick to grab onto it with both DRAGON CLAW and CRUNCH.

But that was just one of many. And it seemed the group they had fled from had grown bigger?

They would need some major fire power to deal with this.

PROMPT CLEARED: None this post. Just giving small opportunity for Mega Evo

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2023 2:40:35 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Aaron did notice the bleeding, eventually. And saw the scar that Alec had. Still, he stayed silent, not really caring how the lad had gotten it. The gym leader started in with a question. "Not really." But Alec continued anyways, letting them know that Rocket was to blame. And the reason for coming here. The blonde looked at the guy with the blandest, deadpan look one could possibly get. Help fight against those weaklings? Came here for personal reasons? "Soooo just like everyone else here. Pretty sure we're all here for personal reasons." Even if a younger Alec would be here on orders. The man soon addressed him directly. And he was...pretty unimpressed. He didn't pay any attention to what Elise said, just waited for her to finish.

Standing up, he faced Alec. "You weak willed fool. Rocket was full of wusses in Littleroot during Meteno, with maybe the one that had Xerneas able to provide a challenge, but otherwise I sent each one running without breaking a sweat. The only solid hit my Pokemon got was ganged up on by multiple opponents. Something to fight Rocket with? You should already have it, being a former gym leader. The only thing you lack is resolve. said his responsibility technically started and ended at Mauville. Should I become one while I'm still a minor, I will hold onto that fact much more harshly than him at Littleroot, maybe even after I turn eighteen, and heaven help any Rocket that step foot in that town again." Putting his backpack back on, he glared at the guy in the eyes again. "If all you ever did was hand badges out, then you were weak or a part of why the League and/or older trainers are bigger wusses than Rocket is."

He was a firm believer that your hard work counted for something. Training and raising your Pokemon to be strong or well-versed in a role was one such thing he took very seriously. Heck, his hard work with Trevenant allowed him to tie with in an ad hoc double battle. He wasn't even trying to earn the gym badge, just giving the fight all he got. Even if he thought that Noah would have won given another Ice Punch or two. As for the rest...well, if the adults needed a child to save them, they were pretty worthless adults, and probably should be culled from the gene pool. And didn't do anything to make him rethink his plans in going for the title. The back ups were still there, of course, but that's all they were, backup plans should being a gym leader not work out.

Upon hearing some rumbling, he snapped his fingers. Immediately, his Banette, Dhelmise, and Jellicent were right by him. The professor let out a Tyrantrum. Even as that Pokemon went at it, Banette used Flash to blind and make the first wave hesitate. Hopefully enough for Dhelmise to use a Power Whip on most of them, and Jellicent to use Giga Drain on the rest. But they just kept coming. Revealing a Mega crystal, he ordered his Banette more into battle. "Banette, Mega Evolve, and Gunk Shot!" The ghost screeched as she evolved into a higher form, and firing globs of poison gunks into the swarm, taking out huge swaths of opponents. Hopefully the others had similar tricks up their sleeve, or this will end with their bones being added to those Sharpedo...

Aaron's personal prompt cleared?
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